Employer: Molecula

Molecula is an Operational AI company that closes the gap between data and decision, enabling organizations to unlock the power of real-time analytics and AI. Our core technology, FeatureBase, is a feature-oriented database platform that powers real-time analytics and machine learning applications by simultaneously executing low latency, high throughput, and highly concurrent workloads. We are a burgeoning startup with a passionate team of dedicated engineers, marketers, and business experts determined to make a positive impact.

Want to play around with FeatureBase’s open source v1? Download Pilosa here!

Molecula’s Engineering team is a group of brilliant makers and doers passionate about building world class products and solutions that make AI and ML possible for all. They take really challenging technical problems and turn them into elegantly simple yet incredibly complex solutions that delight our users. Most of all, they take pride in their craft and are a collaborative bunch that truly cares about the team, clients, company, and opportunity.

Molecula is looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join our team. With your expertise in software engineering, data stores, data pipelines, and databases, you will help us build the next generation of data architecture that will allow our users to push the boundaries on how data is accessed today. You will provide technical leadership across cross functional software, infrastructure, data, security, and product teams to ensure we deliver the most powerful and accessible feature store ever.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Build our platforms, systems and infrastructure using your excellent background in distributed systems and large scale data systems.
  • Define and drive the technical strategy, architecture, and road map to achieve our business goals alongside Product Management.
  • Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and enhance software solutions.
  • Mentor and train other team members on design techniques and coding standards, and to cultivate innovation and collaboration across multiple teams.
  • Manage individual projects priorities, deadlines, and deliverables.
  • Participate in on-call duties on a rotational basis as part of support engineering.

Job Qualifications:

  • Minimum Qualifications
    • 10+ years software development experience delivering and operating large scale, highly available distributed systems
    • 5+ years of experience designing and operating highly available multi-tenant services on a public cloud platform
    • 2+ years of relevant work experience with Go or other concurrent programming languages – multithreaded or coroutine based.
  • Preferred Qualifications
    • Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, or PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related field.
    • Desire to own and drive the design and implementation of key pieces of an evolving cloud architecture
    • Familiarity with Infrastructure-as-Code tooling like Terraform or AWS Cloud Formation
    • Understanding of Networking concepts (like TCP/IP, HTTP, SSL, etc.)
    • Experience with Linux, Containers, Docker, and Kubernetes
    • Familiarity with best practices for securing cloud based services